Live online career challenges
Students interact with data champions from leading brands and services in fun, innovative work-experience challenges. By using data to solve a real business or social problem, students will learn the skills required for a career in the data industry.
The live briefing sessions are hosted by young professionals in the data industry, providing students with an opportunity to engage with relatable role models.
Once students have completed the challenge, they will receive a link to a short video-recorded assessment from our data champions, giving feedback across a broad range of scenarios. They can then submit their work to the Digdata team to receive virtual work-experience certification.
Each briefing session is 45 minutes. All career challenges will be hosted online using Microsoft Teams, recorded and made available on our website.
Each career challenge offers students the following:

Live 45-minute briefing session

Students work on the challenge in their own time

Recorded industry assessment

Certification of virtual work experience