Live online career challenges

Students interact with data champions from leading brands and services in fun, innovative work-experience challenges. By using data to solve a real business or social problem, students will learn the skills required for a career in the data industry.

The live briefing sessions are hosted by young professionals in the data industry, providing students with an opportunity to engage with relatable role models.

Once students have completed the challenge, they will receive a link to a short video-recorded assessment from our data champions, giving feedback across a broad range of scenarios. They can then submit their work to the Digdata team to receive virtual work-experience certification.

Each briefing session is 45 minutes. All career challenges will be hosted online using Microsoft Teams, recorded and made available on our website.

Each career challenge offers students the following:

Work Experience Wednesday Logo
Digdata Career Challenges

Live 45-minute briefing session

Digdata Career Challenges

Students work on the challenge in their own time

Digdata Career Challenges

Recorded industry assessment

Digdata Career Challenges

Certification of virtual work experience

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  • Ben, Year 13
    I completed the Digdata BT engineer data challenge. It was a great opportunity to use and improve my Excel skills. It was a challenge to investigate the data and look for trends. I was able to analyse it and give ideas to help BT cope with the impact of the storm and use engineers effectively to restore customer’s network access. I enjoyed the challenge as it was not something I have done before, a new experience to try and use a business data set.
    Ben, Year 13
  • Roisha Wardlaw, Business Intelligence Specialist - Openreach
    Thanks for the opportunity to take part in Digdata live and to connect with young people in the Digdata network. It was a great experience, being able to come together as a team to share our passion and skills around working with data. It also made us think about how we communicate with different audiences and how we can make our work more accessible.
    Roisha Wardlaw, Business Intelligence Specialist - Openreach
  • Reyhaneh Hashempour, Data Scientist, BT
    It was a pleasure to be part of Digdata challenge to inspire students to consider careers in data analytics and data science. It was such a rewarding experience to help young people join such a fast-growing and highly sought-after industry.
    Reyhaneh Hashempour, Data Scientist, BT
  • Jake, Year 3 BSc Mathematics
    During the project by CACI, Digdata enabled me to practice key industrial skills such as networking, time-management, and independent research. All of which have been essential to my success during my 8-week summer placement in Data Science with the NHS. The best thing about virtual experience is that you are free to take risks, make mistakes if necessary, and managing a project from start to finish can be massively rewarding. I thoroughly recommend setting yourself this challenge if you already Digdata!
    Jake, Year 3 BSc Mathematics
  • Penelope, Year 3 BSc Geography BA with Quantitative Methods
    I have had the opportunity to join both the Capital One and CACI Careers Skills Challenges! After completing both of these experiences with Digdata, I am now more confident with both quantitative and qualitative analysis, I have the ability to think more critically, and I have widened my understanding of brand and consumer needs. Going forward, I am equipped with a wealth of knowledge that I can use both during my degree and my career post-university! I would highly recommend anyone with an interest in developing their data skills to take part in one of the Digdata challenges, as I have gained so much from the programmes that I took part in.
    Penelope, Year 3 BSc Geography BA with Quantitative Methods
  • Rashmi, MSc International Accounting and Finance postgraduate
    I participated in the Digdata STEP UP BT live online career challenge in May 2022. Data analysis is not something I had been exposed to previously, so it was refreshing to learn it fresh and anew. The challenge was clearly explained in terms which a newbie like me could understand. The whole experience made me realise how the scope of data analysis in business and how it is used in real live. The whole experience in one word? … Awesome!!!
    Rashmi, MSc International Accounting and Finance postgraduate