Partner Testimonials

  • Atif Khan - Marketing Science Partner, Facebook
    "It was a pleasure partnering with Digdata on the first series of data challenges. It’s the first time our team has been involved in an initiative like this and we thoroughly enjoyed the experience and can’t wait to run these again. Rachel was on hand at all stages to provide us with guidance and to make sure we were building a challenge that was relevant to age groups from 13 all the way up to University students. A huge thank you to all the students who took part, we hope we inspired you to consider a career in data!"
    Atif Khan - Marketing Science Partner, Facebook
  • Alex Brill - Marketing Science Partner, Facebook
    “Hi, I'm Alex and I worked on the "first step" session. It was great to see such a big turnout of enthusiastic, budding future marketing scientists interested in a career working with data. I really enjoyed the challenge of producing work for a different audience and the session itself was fun and full of lots of energy!”
    Alex Brill - Marketing Science Partner, Facebook
  • Kate Hawkshaw - Marketing Science Partner, Facebook
    "Hi, I'm Kate and I worked on the "first step" session. I'd never worked with a group of this age before so the whole experience was a new challenge for me! I had so much fun during the session as everyone was extremely interactive and energetic. Overall, it was great to have the chance to work with so many young and excited data enthusiasts."
    Kate Hawkshaw - Marketing Science Partner, Facebook
  • Pat Hong - Marketing Science Partner, Facebook
    "Hi, I'm Pat and I worked on the "Next Step" session. It was such a great pleasure to see so many young data experts so engaged with the challenge! I really enjoyed the experience of working with the students and sharing what we do at work to an audience so curious and talented! Looking forward to more opportunities like this in the near future"
    Pat Hong - Marketing Science Partner, Facebook
  • Elaine Corkery, Senior Manager - Data Science Technology Lab (Risk Division)
    It has been truly inspiring working with Rachel and Digdata over the last few months. Digdata’s passion to help students, from across different educational stages, to consider a career in data was very evident throughout the partnership. All LBG colleagues who supported the career challenges and events found the experience to be really rewarding and enjoyed the opportunity to connect with so many students from across the entirety of the UK. The partnership enabled us as an organisation to share our passion for data and analytics and to help students understand how the subjects they learn can be tangibly applied to solve real world problems. Opportunities like this, were we can engage directly with students, enables us to demystify what a career in data looks like, to show the breadth of opportunities open to students and to inspire students to really dig data!
    Elaine Corkery, Senior Manager - Data Science Technology Lab (Risk Division)
  • Dan Parr, Vice President, CACI
    “CACI has supported the DigData programme to enable us to reach out to the secondary school age groups. Without realising it, they have the foundations of a data education, but lack the industry framing of what a career in data might entail. In our everyday lives, data affects everything we do, the adverts we see, the products we are offered, online and offline, and the communications we receive. The data industry, especially consumer data, is coming of age now that everyday people are comfortable with their personal data use, in exchange for something return.”
    Dan Parr, Vice President, CACI
  • Jean Panagamuwa, Chief Data Risk Officer, Capital One
    "This is an excellent opportunity for our business to play a part in educating young people about the different job opportunities available to them. Data is used in a broad and varied range of careers and can be daunting for people to look into. This partnership enables us to provide insight and knowledge so students with a wide range of backgrounds and experience can prepare for the future. Digdata has a wealth of knowledge in this area and we are excited to work with them to get more young people thinking about different careers within our industry.”
    Jean Panagamuwa, Chief Data Risk Officer, Capital One
  • Lauren Kahn, Responsible Tech and Human Rights Director
    “BT has a long history of inspiring young people into exciting careers and providing practical support to help them achieve their goals. Now more than ever we are committed to help build a more diverse digital talent pipeline for the UK. There are many intersections where we make a difference; with young people still in school, at uni and those about to enter the workforce. Digdata helps us reach young people of different ages and across the UK to excite and inspire them about careers in digital and data.”
    Lauren Kahn, Responsible Tech and Human Rights Director

Become a partner

The Data Inspiration Group are inviting leading brands and services to partner with us as data champions. We will work closely with you to develop interactive live online career challenges and live online career panels, providing you with a direct path to students from 12+ through to university level and enabling you to nurture and harness future talent.

There are many other benefits to becoming a Digdata partner:

  • The Digdata programme is flexible and tailored to your requirements. You can get involved as much or as little as you want, with activities timed to fit in with your recruitment drive.
  • You can provide details of your industrial placement, apprenticeship, and graduate opportunities via a link to your dedicated career panel page on the Digdata website.
  • We invite you to showcase your junior team members, with between one to four years’ experience, across multiple business functions. By taking part in the live online career challenges and live online career panels as the face of your brand, they will help attract future talent by providing students with relatable role models.
  • Getting involved in the Digdata programme also provides your young professionals with a great CPD opportunity. By acting as brand ambassadors, they will develop their communication skills and build confidence.
  • Digdata can help you build a diverse and inclusive team. We have a huge outreach across the UK and our programme is fully accessible to all students, with our technology platform hosting up to 10,000 participants for each event.

By encouraging collaboration between education and industry, together we can inspire the next generation of data stars to get involved and discover the pathways to an exciting and fulfilling career.

To find out more about what’s involved in becoming a data champion and to discuss a tailor-made partnership package, get in touch with Rachel Keane, our Chief Data Inspirer
data analysis

Become a data champion and shape the future of data careers

become a data champion