A fantastic Independent article featuring Digdata’s partnership with Experian; How Experian is pushing for more diversity in the data industry
Experian recently partnered with The Data Inspiration Group to support its Digdata initiative, a programme of bite-sized, virtual work-experience challenges, live online career panels and classroom resources.
It is essential for organisations to create an inclusive environment where people feel welcome and empowered to be their authentic selves. This approach allows businesses to tap into a wealth of different perspectives and insights that stem from individuals’ diverse backgrounds and experiences. Furthermore, it fosters dynamism and adaptability, enabling businesses to succeed in an ever-changing landscape.
However, the reality is that the corporate world has often been too slow in prioritising diversity and unwilling to hold themselves accountable with regards to how they recruit, train, and progress their workforce. This has often resulted in significant demographic disparities in certain sectors that are stereotypically associated with a certain section of society.
This is especially true of the data industry. Data science is transforming the way the world works, but it’s no secret that currently there aren’t enough women, or other diverse groups, pursuing this career path.
Click here to read the full Independent article.